Well, as you all know, surgery did not happen yesterday but has been scheduled for 2/18/09 and he will be the first case of the day. So, this will be somewhere between 730 AM and 900 AM. No firm time yet. The reason he did not have surgery yesterday was due to a slight elevation of his white blood cells, which could indicate an infection. So far, after 72 hours of the culture growing, it remains negative. But to be on the safe side, lil WIll was started on a round of antibiotics. Of course, we were disappointed but we sure did not want them to perform surgery if he had some sort of infection. Again, God reminds us that He is in control, man can make plans but He is the ultimate decision maker. Everything happens at His appointed time. The nurse did another culture of his PD fluid to check for WBC and so far it continues to be negative!
So, yesterday, lil Will remained in the PICU but late that afternoon, the PICU needed his bed space for a more critical patient, so he was transferred down to the Cardiac ICU floor. He will remain on this floor until he has surgery. It was a mad rush to pack up his room, move monitors and lil Will. Lil Will does NOT like to have alot of people crowding his space, needless to say, he was a very unhappy camper. Matter of fact, he was down right pissed off! He cried and cried and cried. Finally, we made it to the 2nd floor to his new room, very small and dark. This is much different than the 12th floor, lots of light and windows. I was wondering, oh, is he going to like this room? Are we going to have a repeat of what happened on the 5th floor last week? After they got him situated, he fell asleep. His heart & respiratory rates were lower than they have ever been and his O2 saturations were great! It was clear to William and I that lil Will liked his new room and nurses. Lil Will, at such a young age, is a very good judge of character, he has this innate sense to know if nurses are good. This may appear weird to non-believers because how could someone so young know this but to believers, we know, the holy spirit resides in all of us. No matter the age. He has been calm and all of his numbers continue to be awesome on his new floor. He also can sense if his momma is feeling alittle uneasy too! ( I am working on this!)
Our prayer focus for this week is:
1. Will to remain infection free.
2. Kidney Functions return to normal and for Will to continue to urinate.
3. Successful VSD surgery.
4. Praise God for his sovereignty over everything and thank Him for your families and your health!
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