This morning as I was exercising the Lord was speaking to me and when I finished, I was listening to Hezekiah Walker's song, "I Need you to survive." What a powerful song! During my time of meditation as that song played, I felt the Lord with his arms around my shoulders and right now as I am typing this message He is still holding me. Are you feeling alone today? Has the depression snuck in because it is the holiday season? Today, the Lord says to you, allow me to hold you. Allow me to complete you. Cast your burdens upon me, I care for you! The scripture He gave me this morning is Luke 22:42, Father if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done. I read the scripture and this is what the Father said to me, think of the cup as your life, all of it, worries, concerns, bills, health, all these things that weigh you down. Give them to Me. We cannot both hold the cup so give it to Me completely so My will can be done. Enough said, I thank you Father for Your word. May each of you reading this post stand on what God has spoken to us today. Be blessed!
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