Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Messenger

I am still in awe of the beautiful portrait our dear friends Melinda and Jason Guerrero had made for us for Christmas! It is absolutely breathtaking. The best part about the painting is the story behind it. Melinda asked me for mine and William's favorite picture of Lil Will, so of course, we sent the one where he is pointing his little finger!( Preach! Teach! Spread God's word, my angel!) Melinda took the picture to an artist to have him paint just the picture of Lil Will. The associate told Melinda that she didn't think the artist would be able to paint just a picture of him on the size canvas she selected. When Melinda and Jason went to pick it up, she was not happy with the final product because it wasn't what she had requested and she didn't think we would like it. WE LOVE IT! The artist told her he painted it this way because Lil Will was an angel now, free of tubes (now what no one else knew was when I told William, Mel and J wanted a pic of Lil Will, he said I wonder what they are doing, whatever it is I hope they don't put the trach tube on there!) WOW! and he titled the painting, "The Messenger." When Melinda and Jason asked him why he titled the painting, The Messenger. He simply said, "Look at that finger!" How awesome is our God?! He ministered to this artist as he painted a portrait of Lil Will. The artist didn't know Lil Will or us or our story. What a blessing! There are not enough words for us to thank Melinda and Jason for this most special gift. We will cherish it forever! We love you guys!!

P. S. The last picture is the actual picture the artist used to create the painting!

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