Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What fruit are you bearing?

These pictures were taken between 2/12/09-2/15/09 .

Last night, I watched so many videos of Lil Will, OMG! It was so wonderful to see him yawning, kicking his feet around, crying...I am so thankful to God for prompting us to video him. It is such therapy for me to watch videos of him. This morning, during our devotion, the scripture the Lord gave William was Colossians 1: 9-18, the part of the scripture that spoke to my spirit was verse 10, that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Are we doing this? Is it happening everyday? Or just on Sundays? Is Sunday the only time you open your bible? Or do you spend time with Him daily? My Monday night, Missions leader said it best, "Do we treat God like our friend?" What she meant was, how often do you talk to your friends? My guess would be several times per week, if not, daily. Then, my question is WHY? WHY? Why, do we not speak to God daily, He is our friend, He is the best friend any of us could every have. He wants to help us, He wants to be there for us, to hear our cries, to hear our pleas, to celebrate the blessings He bestows upon us. Allow Him in.
Lil Will blessed me as his mother, he blessed me by strengthening my relationship with the Lord and also bringing his parents closer together, closer than we were. He has left his mark on our hearts. We love you, pumpkin and miss you very much!!

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