Monday, July 20, 2009

Preparing to celebrate Lil Will's life........

Today, we are leaving to go to Lil Will's grandparents house so we can prepare to lay his earthly dwelling to rest. As some of you may or may not know, my dad has a farm with several hundred acres and years ago, a plot of land was set aside and all necessary legalities done & named Myers Cemetary. My paternal grandparents and uncle are laid to rest out there and now our angel Lil Will will take his place. William and I selected the area where he will be laid to rest, it is beautiful, it is under a tree. That was an emotional moment but God reminded me, AGAIN, that it is his earthly body, his spirit is with the Lord and with us everyday. His resting place, it is just a place for us, the ones who are left behind to visit. After we picked out his place we then went to the funeral home to make those arrangements. We saw him, he looked so good, it was amazing to me how much at that moment he looked at peace. I know he had to be in pain during these past 6 months but he fought, he fought with us everyday. God knew what Lil Will's assignment was and it is complete. Hard for me in my humaness to understand but in my spiritual life, I know our God is sovereign. He makes no mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful to have a special place for him that has so much history with your family. Again, Our Prayers are with you...
    Love, Belinda
