Monday, July 27, 2009

More pics of our lil munchkin....

These are random pictures taken between January 6 -11, 2009.........

O taste and see that the Lord is good. As you look at these pictures of Lil Will, I want you to think about the goodness of God. See the miracles he performed on Lil Will everyday. He was on fluid overload but God reduced his fluid level in His time. He was on so many drugs, to keep him asleep, to reduce the pain, to lower his blood pressure and the list goes on. BUT, nobody but the Father was able to remove the dependency his body had for these drugs. He did it! If God can do this for Lil Will, can you just imagine what He can do for you if you would just ASK! What are you in need of today? Healing? Financial breakthrough? Peace? Health? ASK Him, He is waiting......

1 comment:

  1. This is so true..Thanks so much for sharing these words.

    Love you,
