Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lil Will continues to improve....

Great news, if all goes well Lil Will is going to be extubated (breathing tube removed) mid-morning tomorrow! He has been breathing over the machine previous to them putting it on auto mode so all should go well tomorrow. To prepare for this momentous occasion, his feeds will stop around 4 AM tomorrow morning so his stomach is empty during extubation to prevent any gastric issues. We are very excited and are anxiously awaiting holding our little guy.

His kidney function numbers continue to improve. Today, his BUN is 24, normal is around 18, but if you remember, God has brought him a long way since his BUN was 101. His creatanine level is hanging steady at 2.1, this number is more indicative of his kidneys beginning to function normally. Yesterday, the peritoneal dialysis was able to pull off over 350 cc's of fluid, the most he has pulled off to date. His other labs are looking awesome.

The clinical nutrionist increased his feeds to 17 cc's per hour to increase his caloric intake and he has tolerated that increase well. This increase in feeds is certainly keeping me very busy, I have to keep up with him! =)

He continues to have physical therapy daily and is doing exceptionally well, per the therapist. He has good grasp (attaching a pic of him holding his daddy's finger), good range of motion in hips and we are working on this shoulder movements. I continue to work with him throughout the day so when he can stay on task for his developmental skills.

Things are progressing slow and steady. We again thank you for your continued prayers and love. God Bless each of you.

More updates to come......

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