Thursday, June 25, 2009

Busy Day

It has been a very busy day for Lil Will. First thing this morning he had a four hour test to determine what kind of peritoneal cavity he has and how effective his dialysis is going. Next, they put a catether in him to get a twenty four hour urine sample(I could not watch). Next, they sedated him to do a hearing test. Let me tell you about this son of ours, he laughed at their sedation meds and kept smiling. They finally had to get a stronger sedation and they were finally able to do the hearing test. Next he had an ultra sound of his heart. Oh, this morning I went out to get a cup of coffee and this boy pulls out his feeding tube AGAIN. He has very fast hands. So they had to put that back in. Next, he had his bath, then he had to suffer through me and his moma changing out his trach. His day started at 3:50am and did not end until 6:30pm. Needless to say he has been sleeping for quite some time.

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