Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finally, Lil Will's Heart cath

Hi all-

Lil Will had a successful heart catherization today. The findings are preliminary and must be reviewed by the pulmonologist before final results are given. Dr. Clapp, his cardiologist, did say she was surprised that his lung pressures were lower than she anticipated. She even said to us, of course, AFTER the procedure, that she had nightmares about his cath. Apparently, several of the nurses and docs were concerned that Lil Will would not tolerate the cath well. It sure is a good thing that we do not rely on what man thinks, we serve an awesome God, who can do ALL things and does ALL things well!!! AMEN! God is really allowing Lil Will to humble the physicians who are taking care of him. Every time they think or speculate on what they think they will find during test, God shows them something different. So, as of right now, Lil Will is resting well, he is actually asleep, his heart rate is 125, O2 saturations are 97 and his last blood pressure reading was 82/39. His feeds have been re-started along with his manual peritoneal dialysis. He is actually beginning to dwell 110 cc's every 2 hours. What a blessing! I can remember when we were dwelling 30 cc's, what a mighty God we serve! He is faithful and does just what He says He will do! As soon as we have some definitive results, we will send out another update. Thank you for your continued intercession on our behalf. As my dad tells us daily, be encouraged! I will remind each of you that God is just a prayer away. He answers prayers, we are living testimonies of His faithfulness. Praise Him while you can!
We love you all!!

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