Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fellowship with Prince Will

My parents were in town and our nephew Jayden spent the night with us too. Jayden loves to play so he wandered into Prince Will's room and my mom followed him. I walked by and saw the two of them praying and I think just feeling the presence of God. After a few minutes I joined them in there, it was very comfortable, it was nice to be in Prince Will's room with Jayden & mom. It was how it was supposed to be! Jayden tried to climb in his crib because he wanted to play with the fish aquarium, Prince Will loved. Mom got it out for him and Jayden played with it, read books, talked about Prince Will, and played with his toys and stuffed animals for at least an hour. Kids are so innocent. It was such a nice feeling to be with mom and Jayden in Prince Will's presence. It was another healing experience the Lord blessed us with. One of the many things I have learned during this healing process is I never know when God is going to use an innocent opportunity to help me heal and BLESS me at the same time. How awesome is He? I am so grateful, so thankful, so blessed and I am healing every second of every day.

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