Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What are you thankful today?

As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, many of us are thinking about family, what we are thankful for and what preparations we need to make to celebrate Thanksgiving. Thankfulness should be in our hearts and minds everyday not just when November comes around and we celebrate Thanksgiving day. We should be thankful for waking up each morning with a sound mind, with activity in our limbs and to find that our loved ones are all safe. What are you thankful for today? When you awakened this morning, did you take 10 seconds to say, "Thank you, Dad?" Thank you for keeping us safe as we slumbered and slept in the image of death. Thank you for every blessing in my life. My family, my health, my freedom, my job......Did you stop to do this or did you just rush about your morning thinking about what YOU had to do not what work GOD wants to do through you? I am not perfect so as the Lord is ministering through me to you, he is also ministering to me too. So, today, I say be grateful, be thankful, just be satisfied in the place God has you right now. Happy Thanksgiving to each of you! I love you all!

P.S. Our family on last Thanksgiving, we were looking forward to the birth of our Lil Will!

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