Monday, March 2, 2009


I just wanted to share a brief PRAISE report on Lil Will. Yesterday, the on call physician was not pleased that in the last 24 hours his nurse had not reported any urine output. So, she decided to have Chris, (his nurse yest.) place a foley catheter so they could actually track his urine output. In a 12 hour shift, Lil Will's urine output was 48 cc's which is approximately 1 cc per kilo per hour, which is just borderline to what a normal newborns urine output should be. PRAISE God! We know this is small but we have to praise God for small things! As I was doing my morning devotion, I am studying a book called, "Walking with the Women of the Bible". The lesson I was reading was titled, Trusting God One More Time, in the lesson, it reminds us that faith is like a physical muscle, it is developed and strengthened with use. Each time you trust God as you face seemingly unbearable, unusual, circumstances, your faith increases. So, if anyone is facing a difficult situation or issue in their lives, reach out to God, turn toward the unknown and the unseen and watch your faith grow! A great analogy! So, today we are continuing to trust God in all our circumstances especially, Lil Will's urine output. God is showing us everyday that He is working within Lil Will's body, healing him, one second, one minute, one hour at a time.I hope each of you is having a wonderful Monday! Have you smiled yet today? If not, do it, think of it as exercise for your face!

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